
Vehicles aren’t human beings that are supposed to protect the citizenry. They are machines that are operated by fallible people, often in adverse road conditions.

Uh, if you mean “The Forest,” that’s fictional.

I think the difference is that “social justice” represents something that (in theory) most people would be in favour of, or at least pay lip service to.

Buttpeople just trying to live their buttlives, until the fucking SJW ruins it for them by... uh... back to raging!

He’s either Markatron or YogBiscuit, I forget which.

“They post this shit because people click on it.”

Well he doesn’t like it, so... bad reporting?

Watchable would be a big step.

“For this part of Trump’s master plan to fix everything, he has to go to jail for the rest of his life. What a master strategist!”

If a director’s cut of that movies elevates it to “incredible” from “AUGH THAT’S SO BORING THAT MY BRAIN IS BLEEDING” it really does speak to the power of editing.

but like I said, it seems to be the happy exception, not the generally seen result. People sometimes make long-distance relationships work too. Doesn’t mean they are recommended. Or easy.

You do all three at the same time like the rest of us, right? It’s the most efficient use of time.

Ron Swanson Libertarianism only works because he is guided by an honour that doesn’t really exist in real life (also see: Worf). Or at least if it does, those people aren’t Libertarians.

I was hoping that you were misinformed. You were not (well, it doesn’t say anything about the cop actually getting bitten, a neighbour was bitten and reported it, according to Snopes). That is fucking sadistic.

Hmm, I don’t think Seinfeld invented “Pappy.” But I’d be happy to urinate on your couch!

I have no idea what posts in this thread are supposed to be satire.

You might be less stoked if it was made by some shitty corporation that was making ten times the money you were selling shitty merch. Fan art would be flattering, for sure, but less so having some pricks that don’t give a shit capitalize on your work.

Snappy, Pappy.

I always thought this was one of the best things about dealing with a racist that you’re related to. Zero fucks required.

Like the white person that made the documentary, or the white person that wrote this article?