Yeah but somebody living on nothing to get a passion project completed isn’t an accurate way to calculate the costs associated with making a game.
Yeah but somebody living on nothing to get a passion project completed isn’t an accurate way to calculate the costs associated with making a game.
Oh yeah, his popularity makes him the obvious face of YouTube gaming. It just sucks.
YouTube needs a better face. There are so many good streamers out there, such a bummer that this clown has floated to the top.
Thanks for advocating for the greys!
I think you’re probably right that there are a bunch of bad anti-fa. I don’t take as fact a lot of the claims you make about the general violence surrounding them or the innocence of anyone they’ve hurt (feel free to prove me wrong with some links).
1. Nobody is in favour of “illegal immigration,” so opposing “illegal immigration vehemently” really just sounds like this hypothetical someone opposes immigrants vehemently. If you (not you specifically, this hypothetical you) are in favour of deporting a mother of three that’s been in America for twenty years…
Have you tried applying Vaseline directly to your eyeballs, zipping yourself in a sleeping bag and climbing up a flight of stairs? It’s the spiritual successor to Superman 64.
Alright, here’s where I’m coming from. I don’t agree with everything that comes out of every corner of the left (I’m sure that would be impossible).
Hey if you don’t want to dox yourself, fine. Just give me summations of all the ways you argue with the alt right. You have like 30 comments in this thread, so surely you can give me at least 30 ways that you “oppose their narrative.”
I’m not saying you’re a Nazi. I’m saying you’re defending Nazis, WTF is wrong with you. If someone’s belief system is based on the genocide of basically everyone else, why should everyone else give two shits about them? Don’t answer that, it was rhetorical.
Yeah right. I’m sure you spend equal time criticizing Nazis for being so invested in their narratives.
The racism and homophobia and stuff. Pretty obvious really.
If someone peddles genocide and can’t violently defend their horrible beliefs, then boo hoo. Maybe they should have endorsed an ideology that wasn’t rooted in violence and violence would not be what they received.
Isn’t the warning in the terms of service? Isn’t the fact that he knows he shouldn’t do it indication enough that he doesn’t need a warning?
Would people be upset if he joined the math team or chess club? I think that part of why this irks some people is that he (arguably) got favourable treatment in court because of his talent at football. Now he gets to reenter that realm and (presumably) regain the privilege that he lost.
You know, sometimes I feel like I fly off the handle a bit in comment sections. I have to deal with assholes all day (who doesn’t?) and I guess I let a little steam off by (mostly) arguing with people online, because it doesn’t matter. Occasionally I’ll say something I regret or misunderstand someone and feel bad…
No. I said no such thing. Learn to read before responding.
Oh right, I forgot that on the fourth day (or maybe the fifth?) God decided that “guns are a sporting good, ye, and they should be plentiful and stored, ironically, next to the Batman figures, so that kids learn guns are totes sweet, and also definitely not a toy, *wink*.”