
Who are these people working a retail job that ever want to engage with a customer more than they have to? You’re making almost nothing and getting closer to death by the second, who gives a shit what the kid is buying?

You’re horrible. +1 stars.

I think people are more taking umbrage with your “I’m a douche tacitly supporting harassment” persona, rather than the idea that Andromeda could and should have been a better game upon release.

Yeah, fair enough.

Agreed. I am so sick of hearing from people that made 100K a year for the last five years bitch about it when the economy turns, when everyone I know lives on a fraction of that.

I agree with the sentiment about the witch doctor (I found the demon hunter a little awkward on console as well), but the monk seems designed for a controller, don’t you think? Maybe it was just how I played him.

It seems like it was better out of the gate, while it basically never changed and the PC version just kept improving.

Well as of now at least 119 other people got it, so you might want to talk to your doctor.

I don’t know how the Liberals think they stand a chance in the next election without voter reform. I mean granted they still probably wouldn’t win, but I would love to see a minority government of ANYONE over a very possible Conservative majority with God-knows-what nutcase at the helm. I’m not sure I even see a

Now playing

I moved to Alberta from Vancouver recently for work and it’s been a bit of a culture shock (probably exacerbated since I moved from the West End in Vancouver, probably the place with the most visible gay population outside of San Fransisco that I’ve been to). If I had known a year ago and a half ago that Trump, Rebel

Well Islamaphobia is alive and well here, so I think that’ll be the target of our misplaced, bigoted rage.

That’s a freaky dream, but I am legit jealous of people that have dreams more interesting than the garbage I get every night. Half my dreams are just drudgery, then I wake up and have to do it all over again. The other half are falling dreams.

I’m in Alberta too and it’s so disappointing to see our political discourse falling into the Trump hole. It’s not like there aren’t a bunch of actual issues, from both sides of the spectrum, to criticize about the Liberals.

Those overly dramatic conservatives make up well over a third of the country, and since we’re not getting voting reform, it’s very likely going to be the third that has power after the next election.

I’m in Canada, and it is distressing to see our politics taking cues from Trump’s success. And we don’t even have illegals as a scapegoat.

If you voted for Clinton, I think it’s safe to read that, accept it doesn’t apply to you, and move on.

The older I get, the harder time I have understanding conservatism as anything other than self-serving bullshit, propped up by people too ignorant to know they’re being fed garbage.

Yeah, it’s obviously hypocritical. I just mean that you have that opinion (of complete free speech), but that most people that cry “free speech” really mean “free speech that I’m ok with.” Which I think it what the OP was getting at.

I’m just explaing to you what the OP was getting at, as I understand it.