
That’s the thing I wish I could do more. I want the HUD not to be one thing to turn on or off, but to be able to individually select what parts of the HUD are visible.

How is that different from a “Whites Only” sign? Do you think that’s ok too?

But if it’s an option between “game like Pokemon” and “game that Nintendo will shut down” that doesn’t seem like a hard choice to me.

No, but part of the impetus for making something is sharing it with others and if that is taken away from you is a pretty shitty feeling.

I don’t know, if you’re willing to put years into making Pokemon Magnesium that will almost certainly get squashed days before release, why not just make PouchBeasts?

Saying that the Dems have problems does not mean they are the same as Trump. And not looking critically at the Dems is not a strength, it is blind partisanship that doesn’t serve anyone.

“Democrats want the government to help, but support policies that butthurt Republicans misconstrue. Republicans don’t want the government to help, anyone, ever, if they can avoid it, but support policies that actually do help the rich. Which is better?”

Technically, one of those is more survivable than the other. Just like voting!

Great TL;DR. “Fuck you, me!” seems like it applies equally well sometimes.

Remember when we used to call trivial wedge issues “civil rights?” Ah...

I feel like that brand is too poisonous in America. There are enough people that equate universal health care with Communism. I agree with you, and I think that the spirit of socialism is something that the Democrats need to adopt, but I don’t think that word would help them. Not yet, anyway.

Has anyone tried this on Wii U yet? I don’t want to have a Shadow of Mordor experience; I tried playing SOM on 360 and it was just clearly a lesser experience. Aside from the depth that was stripped out (it sounds like the variety of randomization in less on the 360 version), it just barely ran. Every time I tried to

At this point, I can’t imagine why anyone would bother making a fan sequel to a Nintendo game. You have to know that Nintendo is going to bring the hammer to you eventually, right? Stardew Valley was almost the perfect way to do this. If Catching and Battling Cute Animals came out tomorrow I’d be all over that, it

Let me put it this way. It’s more important for the man who is starving to have his needs addressed before the man that has a hair in his soup.

I just think that if that’s really what you believe, then #notallwhitepeople is not the most productive avenue to get there.

Have you morons never watched a Law & Order?!?

Seriously. Two hours of competency and that’s it, we’re good?

As a man, let me just say:

Scared the shit out of me as a kid! Napoleon’s dog enforcers were brutal. Between that and Richard Adams’ adaptations, I’m pretty sure child services should have been talking to my dad. Haha.