Surely the Russians would poison Hatch to get Tillerson into power, so God help Orrin—isn’t that one of the dwarves in The Hobbit?—if he makes it that far.
Surely the Russians would poison Hatch to get Tillerson into power, so God help Orrin—isn’t that one of the dwarves in The Hobbit?—if he makes it that far.
Well I am more thinking about the dog that crosses it and won’t cross back into the yard. Lots of dogs won’t stop just because of a little pain if they’re chasing something.
Anime is a bit of an unusual case where the surface differences between something light for kids or explicit for adults can be hard to notice if you’re not very familiar with it (or, for a kid, not looking at it with the critical capacity of an adult). So I think it would be easy for a kid to jump between Pokemon to…
I wonder how old I was when I saw or heard my first holocaust joke. If I had to guess, probably South Park, probably around that age. Some South Park expert should tell me when Cartman made his first holocaust joke.
Ah excellent, cheers!
PewDiePie’s audience is definitely something that hasn’t been mentioned anywhere near as much as it should be. The man is essentially a children’s performer. Comparing him to comedians or South Park or It’s Always Sunny or whatever else isn’t really accurate, none of those are “for” kids (whether or not kids watch…
Right? He’s just a 90's-centric comic. Is anybody upset with Seinfeld for anything related to political correctness?
Careful, if you sound too offended people will think you’re just another PCsnowflakecuckSJW! Oh no!
Ripping on Jews isn’t edgy, people have been doing it for thousands of years. And it seems like this “crusade” was one article about it, Disney dropping them, and then way too many articles talking about it. Who boycotted anyone?
That only works if the dog isn’t determined to get out. If they are, then they’ll just bulldoze through the pain and get stuck outside of it.
Don’t be silly! He has the little Kinder Surprise puzzles imported. But Secret Service has to open the actual egg, for obvious reasons.
What about the most silly? I mean really ludicrous.
Well, found my guy. Better go buy it.
“Does this have to be about racism?”
I feel like you think you really nailed some point of logic but... ya didn’t.
Exactly. The 9/11 titles makes a point that “Qatar’s World Cup Expected to Take Over 3000 Lives” doesn’t.
Except that that is a false equivalency. There is no lie in that headline, there is just a comparison that points out the developed world is willing to regularly commit 9/11-sized atrocities so that it can have a sports tournament. Anybody who finds that offensive is taking umbrage that dead Americans are being…