
What does ‘“All characters depicted are 18 or older,” a caveat for Yandere Simulator reads against a pink background, “even if otherwise specified.”’ mean? If they are a fictional character (that is not portrayed by a living human) and you specify that they are under 18, how are they not?

I distinctly called you “not a Nazi.”

For someone that is not a Nazi, you have spilled a lot of digital ink on this.

I can both agree with the general thrust of your argument, but also feel comfortable posting this, because Nazis.

I don’t know if I necessarily agree with that. Even if there wasn’t that era of gaming to draw from, Shovel Knight would still look crisp and well executed.

I wonder about that. Surely there are people who were never going to buy a Digital Homocide (for example) game, since they are obviously garbage, but decide to for shits and giggles after they see it on his show. I wonder how many of these publishers actually expect good sales until he finds their trash.

Aha! So this will be the game to make me buy a Switch.

Oh no worries, I’m fine with being garbage at video games. Haha. Frankly after seeing how much my guys are brutalized on Normal I can’t imagine playing on a higher difficulty. Guess I don’t have a brain for strategy games.

So is Long War 2 officially released now? I recently tried playing with (admittedly too many) mods and my comp crashed pretty fast. But does Long War 2 (with everything that comes with that) run pretty well?

I’ll second that. I just played my first ever Ironman playthrough of Enemy Within and I had to stop naming soldiers. “Sorry man, I’m not even gonna look at the options for armour colours! You’re just more meat for the grinder! *SOB*”

I’m not sure you can mathematically prove whether or not Trump is an entitled piece of shit, think I’ll just have to go with my gut on this one. At a certain level of wealth, I wonder what you truly have to do to be successful other than hiring the right people.

Dude but they had to use a red “H” instead!

Well, make something out of $100 million, anyway.

You guys keep threatening that...

I mean seriously, I’m a lefty SJW LGBQTA BLM communist propaganda whore and I know that if I troll the Fox comment boards, I’m going to find a bunch of people that disagree with me. Why even come here to whine about it?

If only the three laws had covered being an asshole!

More plot-based crafting would be awesome. I’d rather have one interesting thing to build over a long period than a million items I’m never going to care about.