50% seems insanely high. At that rate, why don’t you just solve your problems democratically?
50% seems insanely high. At that rate, why don’t you just solve your problems democratically?
It’s worth noting that any American militia fighting the government could not afford to sustain losses at a ten-to-one rate, like the North Vietnamese did.
That, as well as consoles and tablets (eventually).
It takes 1500 hours to complete
Bahaha. Yes.
“It’s about ethics in superhero journalism!”
Haha, who knows! I come from a creative writing background, and I’m interested in the narrative and design side. I’d like to invest the time into it that it would take, but realistically anything that I put into it is going to come away from my writing (as opposed to my 9-5) so I think for the time being I’m better…
Yeah. That’s the thing with basically any program in a creative field, it’s only as good as the portfolio you take out of it. The piece of paper is basically worthless, which is part of why dropping that much in a year on tuition is so terrifying for me (though VFS is relatively pricey, as far as those programs go).…
Oh yeah? Where are you thinking of going? I’m in Vancouver (the Canadian one) and a couple years back I was humming and hawing over enrolling at VFS. They have a year-long program that sounds pretty amazing (but also not cheap). Choosing a game program seems like such a crapshoot in terms of knowing what you’re…
The inability to dedicate a guard force is a bummer. It’s ok now since I have so much gear that EVERYONE has a decent gun, but at this point I’m bored with it.
Very cool guy. How is the career change going, if you don’t mind me asking? What are you coming from?
It’s a bigger problem as the vault expands, everything just becomes more micromanagment. It was fun for a while, but I’m not sure if I’ll go back if the mechanics don’t improve.
The mechanic of dragging vault dwellers around is way too finicky to use during the fast-paced parts. When radroaches come up in an empty room it basically guarantees that they’ll get to spawn in all the surrounding rooms, since it’s such a hassle to try to contain it. I can’t believe this was your first death! I’ve…
I don’t think you’re wrong, but that’s struck me as the opposite of an inspiring coach’s speech from the last twenty minutes of the movie.