I hear you. I feel like if I had a friend to watch it with it might help. Some shows are better enjoyed as a communal experience. Right now, I just can’t get into it.
He’s so thoughtful!
I was just thinking how I don’t think I’ve heard a single diary in Diablo 3 from start to finish. Not that I’m missing much there.
They look like a pack of cannibals.
At least animal torturers have the common decency not to RUB IT IN OUR FACES!!!
Now we’re ALL waiting for pictures!
I am fucking tired of hearing “But not all cops are like that.” Fucking stop having solidarity with your crooked-as-fuck brothers in blue and we’ll stop viewing you as a monolithic, corrupt body. You either are an organization of individuals, with those individuals responsible for their behaviour, or you aren’t, but…
I don’t know if gamers act like children any more than the rest of the human race. We’re a bunch of idiots.
My friend said packaging peanuts.
It would be like poachers in Africa claiming that killing an elephant to cut off its tusks or a gorilla to turn its hand into ashtrays is part of their culture. Things can be both cultural and morally indefensible.
It was one of the craziest trollings ever. He was SO MAD.
I’m putting my serious effort into one set of posts. The rest of these are all for shits and giggles.