
I think my original point was that the majority of books get written by people also working. I know it would be time off to write, and I know writing is a lot of work. Anyway, Groen has alleviated any apprehension I have about THIS particular Kickstarter, but I'm still pretty skeptical about any Kickstarter book

Do you mean printing? Yeah, that's what it sounds like.

I don't know if I agree with that. I think that the majority of writers that write excellent books do it because they need to. Market considerations should be secondary. In Groen's case, it sounds like he's doing just that, which is what gives me more confidence towards this particular Kickstarter.

I honestly thought that was by far the more interesting part of the game. Maybe I really just wanna play epic choose-your-own-adventures like when I was a boy.

Have you tried The Banner Saga? One of the things I like about it is that I have made some HORRIBLE snap decisions that have gotten characters killed that I didn't even realize I was making at the time. Something innocuous turns into life or death.

Cheaply? But in all seriousness, check this out:

Yeah, Groen had some interesting things to say. I'm totally getting convinced I have my head up my ass on this one.

And hey, while I have your ear, are you planning on art inside the book as well? Diagrams or anything like that? Do you know what size of softcover you're looking at? Typical softcover size or something larger?

No, I totally agree with you on a lot of those points. The distinction between fiction and nonfiction is a good one to make. There is a certain amount of powering through that you can do with nonfiction and still deliver a quality product, whereas with fiction (and even more so with poetry, I'd say) sometimes if the

Thanks for the straightforward answer Andrew. Despite any misgivings I have over Kickstarter books, I am really interested in this book. Hope I didn't come off as too much of a dick. Good luck sir!

There's just so many AMAZING books that people wrote by being half-insane and killing themselves to finish it, I'm not sure if this particular one warrants a down payment. Or if any book does. Maybe that hunger of needing to finish something above one's well being is part of what makes some books great.

To respond to your other post first, yeah, my bad, I didn't see that until after. If he is planning on printing a decent quality book rather than POD, the numbers make a little more sense (particularly if he's planning on interior art as well).

In all fairness, I did miss the part in his Kickstarter saying:

They've actually placed a price on their prospective creative labor value (unless he's already written the book, but I didn't think that was the case from the article).

This seems like a misuse of Kickstarter, and $12,500 is a bit exorbitant. It's way more than a typical advance (which are almost always obviously for completed books, not prospective ones). So does this basically pay for Groen to take six months off to write or is most of this going towards print costs? (On that note,

Man, it pisses me off when people try to take my white privilege away. Don't they realize I earned that through generations of oppression and colonization!

Holy shit! That's awesome!

Yep. Definitely not as versatile though.

Wow, that is awesome!

Your grammar is so creative!