As well reasoned as your point is, I have my doubts that Jango is going to be convinced.
As well reasoned as your point is, I have my doubts that Jango is going to be convinced.
Like this?
My god, can you imagine a game based on James Joyce? If nothing else, I suppose it would be a long game.
Thanks for the heads up.
Fair enough. I guess there's lots of other stuff out there to love.
I'm in the same boat. I think that it really looks great but it just has not done anything for me when I've watched it. But I've only seen random episodes, maybe I'd get more out of it if I watched it in order.
Yeah, but that's the shit.
If it wasn't for feminists, we'd have controllers that you'd control with your dick so your hands would be free for drinking Mountain Dew and high-fiving your bros, just like God intended. DAMN YOU WOMEN, for taking this dick-powered utopia from me!!!!!!
Ah. Thought it was too good to be true.
Either this article was written ironically, you posted it ironically, or you and the author are totally full of shit. I really hope it's one of the first two.
Perhaps I'm being too subtle. Allow me to rephrase.
Is that name pronounced how I think it is?
I don't think I'm getting this joke.
For me, the wealth of talent that Lucas had to work with and how thoroughly he squandered it is one of the big problems with the prequels.
Am I the only one that is disappointed (and frankly, a little confused) that Enemy Within isn't being released as DLC? I know what they said about the size of it, but I bought Enemy Unknown as a downloadable version instead of the actual game, so I have trouble understanding how that's not possible with Within. It's a…
If only all that douchebaggery could be harnessed for good.
I don't think that's what happening on most internet comments.
Yeah, it's a re-run.