
You're partially correct, but mostly wrong. The Civil War wasn't "about" states' rights in the sense that the Confederacy didn't secede because of philosophical differences about states' rights vs. federal power, but the conflict itself and the outcome of the war was in fact a massive test of states' rights. Obviously

The old NES game novelization "Worlds Of Power" series were a cheap shortcut to fulfilling the summer reading requirement when I was in junior high.

(protip for educators: Nothing makes a kid lose their love of reading faster than making it work, and it's sad that educators still don't seem to understand this, then

A bad day can excuse you for being an asshole. A bad day cannot excuse you for calling somebody a "faggot nigger" because you're mad. If that's okay when you're mad then obviously the problem stems a bit deeper than a bad day.

I understand that the pre-order bonus business is getting out of hand, and I applaud your stand against it. That said, this article reeks of Kotaku doubling down to stick with the message even when it doesnt apply.