Thanks for stopping by Rut! I've got a good one for you:
Thanks for stopping by Rut! I've got a good one for you:
Why do you love them so much? I've never been able to understand your obsession with them. I mean, yeah, we all have cars we like more than others. Why these?
Only if you have minions.
"This insane man's quest to build his dream car is going as expected."
Summer 2011, post Earthquake/Tsunami and production stoppage. It was a nationwide thing.
I was told that at 4 Subaru dealerships. I think part of it was the short stock of cars. If they only have one of the performance model on the lot, and people basically in line to buy it sight unseen (which occurs with most WRXs and almost all STIs), they won't let you test drive it.
Good luck getting a test drive. Subaru doesn't test drive WRX or STIs...I'd imagine it will be similar to these. You only can get a "test/shakedown" drive after you start the paperwork process to get the car, only after that can you drive it.
What happened? I blacked out.
What is your position on the role of government in supporting innovation in the field of biotechnology?
"How to Lawn Dart your car"
Have I told you recently that I love you?
#YOLO for sure. Am I right?
...did wrusty make friends in Colorado?
What year was your Zed X? Two Turbos > No Turbos. :D