
I rented one of those from Hertz too, I wish it had more torquespower.

High-five, Jaloppos!



Yup, I was just putting a pic together.

As I was "photoshopping" I see others found it as well. '95-'96 Camry.

National Lampoon Presents:


I love you.

8==D ~:o)

Manuel, you dirty dog!

Love. It's what makes a Subaru, a Subaru.

Oh stop it, the boat doesn't sink! You stinker!

Our race team is going to be the turn around Lotus needs.

That a car is a weapon and should be treated with respect. It's not an appliance, it's not your microwave, it's not just a means of transportation. Respect what it allows you to do, respect the speed at which you can travel about your day, respect the power it provides you to move from place to place in snow, rain,

Well done, all.

A significant what?

And to the person who hacked the sign:

Seeing as everyone was running away, I'd say they all understood quite well except for her.

Most of the time when disasters/tragedies/crashes are filmed the videographer starts shaking the camera, loses focus and fails to properly frame the shot. Thankfully for us, this wasn't one of those times.