
Or whatever Mad Max used ;)

In Britain, if you have a van, you're not just a man anymore, you are a man with a van.

And should really stick to the road

Turbos are great, right? You know what's even better than a turbo? TWO turbos. And better than that? Four. Wait, that's crazy. Three. Like the Audi RS5 TDI Concept has, and one of those is an electric turbocharger. With these three amigos, Audi is getting 385 HP and a crazy 553 lb-ft out of the diesel V6.

I have one of those nets rigged around the wheel well in the back of my van. I got the idea after seen that the manufacturer did this on later mode years.

I was thinking it looked just right to go find the Titan.

Before last week, I had never driven or even ridden on a jet ski. Sure, I used to pilot small boats for a living, but the most robust among them was 21 feet long and had a pair of 110-horsepower Mercury outboards to propel the boat, two or three people, and a bunch of depth-sounding equipment. Kawasaki's 310 series

Featuring on Jerry Springer is not something you should be advertising.

What I really don't understand is when a TV show IS available in my country, but all the extras, previews, and trailers on YouTube are blocked.

Looks like Chrome Protector has been taken down from the app store.

Less than 10 gallons of fuel? That seems to be cutting it fine.

I was just wondering how long it would take Jezza to get his hands on it.

Playmobile also did a Unimog (style) version.

Not really. At a guess I'd say it was a small section that opens for ventilation.

D'oh. I read

AFAIK the NV has sliding doors on both sides.

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Don't underestimate the curative powers of a nice cuppa.