
In Europe and I don’t see this in my settings either.

You can have my Oxford comma when you pry it from my cold, dead, and clenched hands. 

No matter how bad your odds are of winning the lottery, they’re infinitely worse if you don’t buy a ticket.

Is that all I’d get? Hardly seems worth it.

I wouldn’t recommend Grave of the Fireflies to a lot of adults, much less any child. It’s possibly the most depressing film I’ve ever seen.

Where do you stand on pet name puns?

I would try a different device. Another computer, a tablet, or a smartphone. On a phone you can easily switch from wi-fi to mobile data to see if that’s where the issue lies.

I was able to Google what the overfow button is, but I’m not sure what you mean by “the scrubber”.

My first car was a 1980 Corolla Sedan.

I’m wondering how you picture the interior, particularly the seating. I’d want three rows, 6 or 7 seats, that would either fold flat to the floor or be removable to turn it into a cargo hauler.

I like it, but that interior totally ruins any practicality. Just give it three rows of seats that fold flat into the floor.

Wasn’t paying attention and hit the bank you can see on the left of the first pic. It happened slowly enough I had plenty of time to think “You have really f*cked this up” as it was going over.

Sorry, but I’m a little confused. Is the reason that Evernote is dropping Skitch because Skitch’s screen capture and annotation functions are now built into the Evernote app?

use them in place of bread for turkey sandwiches.