
Let me remember.

Hmmm... Actually a good idea. The sink is pretty horizontal (so the water won't naturally flow to the sink, but this maybe help.

You mean an electric one? I thought of that. I actually have a small one, which isn't enough for this. But the toilets are really small, and anything big will get in the way.

I have a Buffalo Linkstation NAS, which has three power options: on, off and power-up-when-needed.

Keeping a sink dry:

Spam in the threads: I notice there's all these "my cousin makes millions working at home" messages throughout the threads.

I once had learned a formula to calculate the number of pieces in a triangle with n pieces at the base (e.g., rows from top to bottom had 1, 2, 3, 4... n pieces). E.g.: how many bricks to form a triangle with 10 bricks at the base? That is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10. Now imagine calculating that for a triangle with 100

My two cents: I learned in chemistry classes years ago that that expensive brand of shampoo that was bought in one country may not be good in another country, due to the difference in the water's hardness in the different countries. So people who were purchasing imported shampoo could not be receiving the expected

I recall some years ago in Brazil there was this hoax going around that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate caused cancer or something seriously bad. But it turned out that apparently the hoax started by a company that manufactured one of the only shampoos without Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.

More than ten years ago we setup a computer with an ATX cabinet, Pentium 2 processor, and a bunch of top parts that I can't remember.


VOTE:MultiBoot ISO

My computer just turns itself off completely at random moments. Sometimes I lose some work (like I just did now), but at least I get a break while it reboots.

I try to write reviews about anything I have a strong feeling about. If I'm very pleased or very upset with a product or service, I tend to share that in some review site to help others make the best choices.

Well, maybe instead of thinking about the code itself, think of how to achieve a certain goal within the program.

I do something similar: I imagine myself going through some project of something that I would like to do. For instance, I imagine myself building the revolutionary pool cover that I have in mind, step by step.

I use ReadItLater to keep articles for later. Actually, it's now called GetPocket.

Why stick with Evernote to store your digitized documents? I have a number of digitized documents and I synch their folders online via Wuala between two computers and three users. The advantage of Wuala is that all encription is done on the client's side, so not even them have access to your data.