
Weren't they on the 'Skeptics Guide to the Universe' once promoting skepticism?

I applaud your well thought out retort. However, one still has to be a MORON to think, "Hey I guess I'll try this line of coke.!".

Not a huge Apple fan but I hope Jobs will get to see his new Headquarters finished.

First I would like to point out that I did not suggest alcohol addition as being moronic, mostly because alcohol is a controlled substance and when consumed casually has a negligible effect on the body - the same cannot be said about cocaine and everyone knows that. Subsequently one does have to be a moron to become

I just to go to high school with her.

Hey Kelly, Did you happen to watch either of the two Mythbusters episodes where the debunk this myth? Either way I still agree with you its pretty dumb to fire rounds anywhere except a target.

Like I said before, who cares if these people get skin damage. They are dumb enough to do cocaine habitually.

Why? The only people getting sick are the morons doing it.

I think you have underestimated the greater Skeptic community. It is quite large and has some very notable (wealthy) members both nationally and internationally.

JREF is great! Proper Skepticism, logical fallacies, and critical thinking should all be taught in primary schools. Those tools are far more helpful in life than say learning a fake history about Christopher Columbus...

I would be very impressed they turned it back into a TV.

"It puts the lotion on its skin!"

Correction. They already have crashed into each other.

There is actually a surprising number of calculations going on for each frame - that is considering the era in which its from. Nice find.

It didn't take an economic genius to see this would be a megaflop.

So say we all! +1 for the BSG reference.

I have to say as a long term former smoker that E cigarettes saved me. I literally tried everything. I was able to get a decent brand of e cigarette and slowly ween down my nicotine doses in the fluid until I was just puffing on non nicotine vapor. Eventually my cravings dissipated. I still dream about smoking and

The light reflected off the earth is extremely bright and drowns out low light objects (ie: stars and other planetary bodies).
