
"5 years in jail"... really? Big deal he posted nudies of girls who apparently already had nude photos on their computers. He should get 5 years of community service or something. Shouldn't we be spending money on putting other people in prison, like criminals? For example, the dozens of corporate heads that

Or the lack of air pressure....

It cant be any worse than my 'Baltimore's Finest' tap water.

Sony markets their Playstation's much like Apple markets their desktops. Its a very small niche in their greater corporate hierarchy but it is a good product nonetheless. The PlayStation systems allow Sony to keep their feet in the video game industry even if its an 'apparent' loss. Sony is a very intelligent

Not sure that it was meant to be overly comedic. I believe they were trying to get the message out that they need donations, in addition to also taking a stab at one of the companies that is responsible for their financial situation. Freedom of information, unfortunately, isn't free.

Apple's new headquarters will look just as strange from what I've heard.

I have an idea about what it says about our society... we are a bunch of butt heads.

In terms of giving back to the world in which they derive only one other person has given back (in terms of monetary figures) as much as Bill has and that is Warren Buffett. Coincidentally, Warren is now the major contributor to Bill's philanthropy organization. While Gates may not be 100% pious he certainly

Not so much "weird" as it is very uncommon. For whatever reason most Execs think they are not allowed to cite any mistakes or give credit to where it is due. In fact the consumer market appreciates this level of honesty.

I don't know, my Rooted HTC Inspire is pretty fast.

So this is what fly has come to, over reactionary multi million dollar decisions. Big deal two people got in an argument while be stuck on a cramped, uncomfortable, and over priced flight. I could have solved this is one minute, change their seats.

Neat idea. Think it would be better with fiber optic eyelash extenders and a diffused LED housing.

Cool story but apparently the tech guys on the archeology team have little in the Photoshop skills department. I'm pretty sure the 'photomerge' command in CS5 would have produced a much better and more seamless image/collage.

Your obviously not aware that nearly all criminals caught on the road are because police officers ran their respective plates. A road and license plate for that matter are public domain, cops are free to run every plate they want to. Not sure why you feel so threatened by that.

Awesome science, great tech... not sure about Captain charisma though.

Someone read the most recent Scientific American.

This is cool and all.... up to the point where the "bad guy" puts on a hat and some shades.

I remember using a very early version of netscape to search for chat rooms.