Michael Rougeau

Your first statement was an assumption that I was an Apple fanboy. Not a debunk, but rather — stupid.

Now playing

PROTIP: It happens all the damn time when the weather gets below freezing and the lake ices up. This is from 2010.

This entire article is basically :OH LOOK IT'S WINTER ON THE GREAT LAKES


great news for the console gamers, now they can run the game at ultra settings and have shorter load screens. on the other hand the PC gamers will continue to run the game at settings higher than ultra thanks to mods and have instantaneous load screens. oh! and did I mention all of the other crazy stuff that the PC


Iraqis seem to think they're the bomb.

Both the xbox and ps4 aren't really consoles. They're essentially gimped pc's. what the xbox one and ps4 should tell you is that the console war is over. The PC won and Nintendo is still in last place.

write an article about how many NEW stupid laws are getting signed every day

Vote: Verizon Wireless

I believe the line is drawn at physically harming someone else or the threat of imminent physical harm. (Property laws would also be enforced- you can't just walk up and steal someone's couch from their home.) So, for example, there would be no problem with forcing people to not murder or rape, since that would be

Very true. Setting aside some money to give to a charity of your choice is also an essential part of Dave Ramsey's debt plan. At first it seems counter-intuitive, but his reasoning is sound.

I think they want people to do that of their own volition. Conservatives aren't out there rushing to shut down charities and stop people from helping others. (Unless you view the U.S. Government as a charity, then, well, you're right.) I think they want a world where people help others voluntarily, according to their

On the contrary, I found tithing to be an enormously helpful tool in learning to budget finances. From a very early age I was taught about setting aside 10% for tithing. Doing something like that instills in you an almost innate sense of the value of money and the importance of allocating and budgeting for certain

Nomination: Max Keyboard Nighthawk X7/X8/X9

Comes in Cherry MX Blue(X7), Brown(X8) and Red(X9) keys. Has n-key rollover. Looks sturdy, IS sturdy. Looks good, IS good. Also, it comes with a comfy wrist rest.

You know what I tell people who complain about "The Hobbit" being made into a trilogy?

"Nine hours of Howard Shore music. Your argument is invalid."

As soon as I read "comedian", I immediately lost all sympathy I might have had. Sorry, but even bad jokes are still just jokes. If it was me on stage, the guy would have harped on me being a fatass and bald, etc. Would I have cried about it? No. Why? Because I'm an adult, not an insecure child.

A comedian was crass, boorish, and insulting? I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say.

“The power button is on the top of the iPhone. The scanner is at the bottom. When you use your index finger to power the phone on, doing so drifts your thumb up the side of the phone. So you're left wriggling your finger back down in order to get in place to stick your thumb on the scanner.”

So you have to hit the power button before the finger print scanning screen comes up? Why not just hit the home button to wake the device and then your thumb would already be on the home button to be scanned?