Michael Prichinello

If I was the Corvette driver I would’ve fired my gun back, or, failing that, I would’ve rammed my car into the Mustang. You can easily turn a car by putting the nose of yours into the rear tire of theirs, thereby executing a PIT maneuver. *chuckles*

Perhaps this will be a perfect time for MarcVDS to come up with the funding for Tito + MotoGP team...

You, sir, are on point.

And here I love you because you can talk awesome $5k cars all day and rub this in our face.

I didn’t take him seriously before, but after seeing the wide range of roles he can pull of, I’m 100% on board with the casting choice here.

You seem to have a Mom issue.

It still won’t prevent that Musky smell...

I know right? How dare Ferrari make cars I can’t afford. Or Lamborghini. Shit, clearly it’s their fault.

There are 3 reasons for this:

1) Tesla is still a small, new company that is POURING money into R&D. It may not be a profitable company for another 5 years or so, which is OK if you’re at least selling your product and taking in the slack. By marketing to the group of people who would otherwise be buying: BMW 7-series,

uhhh sorry to break it to you but a $140k car is NOT only for the 1%. Sure, I’d say a good portion of Americans can’t buy that, mostly due to crippling debt, but I wouldn’t start this whole 99% vs 1% garbage. A McLaren is a car for the 1%, not a Tesla.

“Wake me up when Tesla puts out something that isn’t a status symbol for the 1%.”

I don’t know. I can be suede either way.

Oregon is the only state to gain statehood with a constitution that forbade black people from living and working there And didn’t ditch it until 1926.

I did Nazi that coming.

Preach, my fellow ram.

Hey girl,

I feel comfortable saying this as a black man from Arkansas. This was meant to be funny and it really is. Racial jokes can be funny without being offensive and this toes that line perfectly. I lol'd like 5 times. You really do have thin skin

That’s adorable.

Does this mean a US citizen can’t get into trouble for beating the shit out of one of these wastes of space?