Michael Prichinello

Do you think VR is going to accelerate vision problems?

This. I think that sums up why people drive classic cars.

“I don’t need no stinkin’ surfboard.”

I kinda wanna see the in-car from that Miata that got doubletapped. He went for a wild ride.

I was at that show. It was awesome... I think I was 14 or 15 at the time.

It’s the hero the planet deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we’ll hunt it. Because it can take it. Because it’s not our hero. It’s a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Catalytic Converter.

In fairness they tried to arrest Bruce but he was nowhere to be found.

At least in America, you’re held accountable for these things no matter how rich you are...

I like that attitude.

But unlike an elected official, it has zero bearing on your life or the institutions you rely on. So fucking give it a rest.

We’re talking about one of, if not the, greatest motorcycle racer of all time here. Anything is possible.

Yeah there are no good guys in this story. But those goddamn 22” Alcoas are definitely the villain. I can just see some poor overworked tech at the shop zapping them on with an impact wrench and thinking “no good can come of this.”

Tacos and knee dragging might explain my entire existence...

Adding oil? Easy peasy!

Hey man, if there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s finding crap cars. You should know that!

I guess it’d be one thing if MM was lap traffic...I’d agree with you then.

Fair points. I’d say the blame was more on Rossi, given how far off line he was and how little room he left (hence the penalty), but MM deserves some blame as well. I’m just disappointed it’s ending this way and I think Rossi should’ve kept it cleaner.

1, they believed Marquez was purposefully riding outside the ‘spirit’ of racing; 2, Rossi broke the letter of the regulation while trying to get back to racing.

I really don’t care if it was intentional. What it was, was I woke up Sunday morning here in America, looking forward to reading the MotoGP race report, and this was what was reported. Man, I know what disappointment means now. I was depressed all day. Whatta a rubbish end to such a great season.