Michael Prichinello

Tricky racing for sure, but the rules don’t say that you have to stay on the race line, or that you have to be flat out. As I see it, Rossi was getting frustrated with MM passing and then letting up, disrupting his rhythm on purpose. Rossi did it back to get MM on the brakes and put him wide. MM didn’t let up - He was

agree on all points.

Probably not too much high water....but definitely Hell.

Hey Sean, As a rider and owner of Classic Car Club, I take road driving and riding extremely seriously (I’m talking to you, behind-the-wheel-texters), I have to say that you’re one of the few that I always agree with.

My electro lust is the Alta Motors Redshift..........coming to my garage shortly.

This saddens me.

Sean for Mayor.

That’s what I was thinking. Tito is a strong talent and goes way back with the VDS Team. The question is, which bike to go to. It looks like Ducati has met their allocation. The hondas are not favored. I would go Suzuki perhaps. Yamaha will give all the go fast to Tech 3 before another team. Suzuki might not be the

totally good for these guys raising money for a good cause and for having their own version of fun. Sit on your couch and judge if you want.

Tito Rabat. The MAN.

Now playing

It looks like Gino (great racer, btw), got too hard on the front brakes, and rather than trailing off them, the adrenaline of the moment caused him to close them up more. Either that, or he had a mechanical problem bind up the front anchors.

Southern Hospitality! I’m racing at Summit Point this weekend. That’s as south as i’ll be for a bit.

My Ford GT.

How about come down harder on drivers who text. As a frequent two-wheeled commuter, I would say that 40% of every car I pass has a driver in it looking down at their lap and typing away. It’s frightening.

.... and scrambles their mind.

There are bad riders out there, just as there are bad drivers. I think all sides can use a stricter licensing process. Riding/driving is a privilege, not a right.


Good find. I didn’t have my egg sandwich for breakfast yet. Food on the mind!

An Open letter to Channing Tatum:

Thanks N@te. Makes sense and thanks for clarifying. Still bothers me.