The NYP's article in support of the police is disgusting. If Garner hadn't resisted, he'd still be alive, didn't you know? It's amazing how any toe over the line of the law is now justification for a person to be killed.
The NYP's article in support of the police is disgusting. If Garner hadn't resisted, he'd still be alive, didn't you know? It's amazing how any toe over the line of the law is now justification for a person to be killed.
I just feel like this whole country is trolling me now. Unarmed black men beaten and killed in the streets and hundreds of racists donate money to the white cop perpetrator while also posting insanely racist messages, meanwhile white folks carry around assault rifles while they're shopping at WalMart completely…
Taking their argument to its absurd conclusion, religious employers should be able to monitor your bank account and prevent you from spending on anything that violates their morals.
Without a doubt, the beginning of the end of the peace process was the assassination of Rabin.
You assume I am okay with the Jewish settlers in the West Bank. I am not. I have never been.
Among the greatest damage done to the two state solution (which is actually totally fucking possible, folks)...
A great narrative, I couldn't have said it better myself
Recording video in portrait should be a recognized war crime.
The presumption by Western journalists that there's no genuine indigenous support for Putin's government in Crimea or Ukraine is just wrong. There's a huge population of ethnically and linguistically Russian people in eastern Ukraine, and many of them were far friendlier to the Yanukovych government (which, we should…
The Soviet Union certainly did give up landing on the moon, primarily due to these exploding rockets. Once they learned that the Americans landed on the moon, they had a sigh of relief and then canned the whole moon landing program. Even though, they gave up on the moon program, but they seriously ramped up the space…
Since when did space have a finishing line? A universal 'you won' indicator that means you can pack up and go home?
There is something just so American about sitting back for ages whilst others toil on, only to kick the door down at the last moment, shove everyone aside and scream OMFGLOL WE WON WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!111!11!!!!11one
That's exactly why I say that it was the USSR that won the space race. They had the first satelite, first dog, first moon landing, first complete orbit, and many others not mentioned. Then at the last minute, we come along, land on the moon and announce to the world, THE SPACE RACE IS OVER, WE WON!!!