
My bunny gives tender kisses, is potty trained, and sits on my chest while I watch TV! He hops through the house all day and chews nothing! I just got a second and she is also amazing. I maintain that many bunnies are wonderful! And they adorably inhale salad!

I had a pet bunny, who was theoretically litter trained. She tried hard, but she never quite understood that just because her FRONT half was in the litter, it didn't mean that her BACK half was in there. So, she didn't pee all over the floor, just on the floor AROUND the litter. Not the smartest creature on earth.

I don't really see the resemblance either, I mean it's there a little but not much. Most of the resemblance is due to the way she styles herself in the costume.

I know this is sarcasm, but come on. Hide your electrical cords behind furniture or otherwise "bunny-proof" your living space. And there's absolutely no need for $5 fake ice cream cones. Paper towel and toilet paper rolls, paper bags, magazines, junk mail, newspapers, phone books, cardboard boxes, etc. are all things

Mine are both litter trained too! And also trained to go back in their cage whenever I call them. They also cuddle. Fuck these haters.

Mine are both litter trained and well-behaved. Rabbits are like any pet. They require training care and a lot of love. If they smell, you're doing it wrong.

We recently planted parsley and carrots in our flower garden for the sole purpose of keeping up with bunny food demand... we did so around a stone bunny statue. Shrine, I guess.

Am I the only one who doesn't think she looks all that much like Elsa? In that ONE shot with the angling and raised eyebrow, yes, but the others she just looks like someone - albeit a very, very pretty someone! - in an Elsa costume, with little resemblance other than the wig and dress.

From her instagram, it seems like her eyes aren't even naturally blue, and her natural blonde is quite a bit darker than Elsa blonde dye. I'm gonna have to go with a lot of the haters on this...she's a pale blonde woman who is somewhat skilled with makeup. Not much "remarkable" about it.

I HATE Daya. I used to complain about Piper, but she's grown a lot since last season, and Daya's character is just so incredibly boring and flat. The Daya / Bennett scenes are almost as bad and boring as the Larry / Poppy scenes. She's always just walking around all wide eyed and WAY too stupid for her own good. I

My one takeaway from this season: I am over the Daya/Bennett storyline. Over It. Don't care. By the midway point or the season, I started fast forwarding through scenes.

Effexor is the absolute WORST. Hands down worst year of my life on/weaning off that bullshit...Also, Yaz. Fuck that noise! I (briefly) became a monster.

I masturbate more when I'm in a relationship.

hehe. here in oz our iced coffees are just coffee with ice cream and whipped cream on top. it really confused me when people actually put ice in things. why not just get a cold pressed coffee or something equally hipster/wanky

I usually just wonder why people don't order an iced latte instead - why waste the space on the foam that isn't really going to do any good in an iced beverage anyway (you drink it with a straw! The foam is at the top!) Then things stay the right temperature too.

Is your confusion about how one ices a cappuccino? Mine too. I was a barista for four years. It's the foam and amount of milk that makes a capp, and icing it makes no sense.

Is that the 2014 version of a monocle popping out?

Uh, have you ever heard of a little movie called Homeward Fucking Bound?

I have two house rabbits and they woke me up thumping the other night because there was an enormous cockroach on the wall heading towards my bed. Cats and dogs aren't the only pets that can be Goddamn Heroes.

I'm looking at you, people who think your dog is friendly and well-behaved enough to be off of a leash. You're all assholes.