
Daredevil from Marvel 1602?! The Crisis is in full effect.


What about the first X-Men? Sure, it was only the Statue of Liberty's torch, but it sure terrified those dignitaries on Ellis Island.

It does seem a little strange that it's basically only an extra $20 for sweet packaging, a REALLY nice looking book, a foot-tall statue and that map. Looks amazing, but does the game itself and a few digital extras really call for an $80 price tag?

Don't Starve for free with Playstation Plus was such a nice surprise. I've been playing it waaaay more than AC4. Replay value is through the roof.

From a purely stat-driven standpoint, Aaron Gleeman's analysis is always eye-opening. LaVelle is my go to guy when I want to understand the thought process behind a decision, not just the numbers that inform it.


Like times a thousand. Exactly the experience I was hoping for out of this remake.

Terror From the Deep seems like an obvious expansion to roll out sometime down the line. How sweet would that be?