
There are no greater sociopaths than a Queen Bee. Witches lie.

Pretty sure everyone I've ever met already uses this principal.

They just wanna hate on things worth loving.

LIES!! :(

It's probably all a misinformation tactic. You never know with these intelligence agencies ;)

A completely automated hydrological cycle for the entire planet. Not to usurp 'Mother Nature', but to help regulate her.

Some people take break-ups so poorly. It's like, hey, get over it and write a song already. That, or unbreak-up.

You got some sick fantasies, fella. Maybe you should get out more.

The TV remote.

In your story his inability to sexually reproduce is voluntary. Not declared by some cold and snotty girls with nothing but a 'Steely Dan' (William S. Burroughs 'The Naked Lunch' version) to rock them to sleep.

In this version, April isn't a reporter at all. She's just a girl that gossips way too much, and calls the cops on Casey for declaring his love. Even though he lives eighteen hundred miles away and is no threat to anyone.

Right, there's always something wrong with someone else. And you and your BFFs psychotic pseudo psychiatric pathologies are gonna flush it out like a Dragon out of a Dungeon. Sounds like the past time of villains and their goons to me.

You are correct. And hey, I got to watch it twice.

Hahaha, this is great. What a resourceful young lady. I especially like the refrigerator magnets on an old skate deck. Makes me wish I had a kid to build a cardboard DeLorean for.

Haha, indeed. This video is of a 100 year old 2000 acre farm in the Sacramento Valley. The newer light quick set up/take down electric fences help with keeping them contained and away from areas of the farm you wouldn't want them in. A sea battery and a solar charger on an old wheel barrow or something mobile and

Now playing

There are orchard farmers that use bio-dynamic solutions to their agricultural needs. This video just shows this thing cutting down what you would see on the side of a highway. Well attended Goats can take care of that stuff better than any robot. Here's a video of a farmer that uses animals to enrich their farm.

I understand that. No apoplectic reactions here.

I like. The trend towards the Roman Domus city house is something I'd like to see more of. This is a fine example. Love the blue.

Well I didn't say to keep it in your living room. That trade off makes for some good fertilizer. Plus you can get milk and meat from a goat. Robots only need maintenance. And $30,000 robots probably have some hefty bills.

Goats are better. A wee bit cheaper, as well.