I mean she did willingly perpetuate a family rumor about native ancestry for career gains, so I’m unsure where the free pass on the “problematic racial past” category comes from.
I mean she did willingly perpetuate a family rumor about native ancestry for career gains, so I’m unsure where the free pass on the “problematic racial past” category comes from.
I’ll be first to tell you as a Bernie supporter that I’m perfectly fine with a Warren presidency and will vote for her without much reservation BUT regarding that 4th point I highly suggest you read Native American activist Rebecca Nagle’s articles and threads on the “kerfuffle” Warren caused with her ancestry test. I…
If you're not one of the white people who have lost their goddamn minds, I'm not talking about you, so take your #notallwhitepeople self somewhere else.
Stein has always been creepy as fuck about women. He's one of those dudes who excuse their present-day raving misogyny by claiming that once upon a time they were devoted feminists, but then they tried to open a door for a woman AND———I feel like there ought to be a dramatic musical interlude there: DUH DUH DAH DUM!