There are some old tweets from fans and some of the voice actors that imply that when 3.0 debuted with dubbed audio at a convention, the crowd was hooting and hollering, laughing and clapping which made a Studio Khara person present at the screening freak out thinking that Funi screwed up the translation. So, they…
Take out the multiplayer and re-balance the game for a single player and i’ll buy it. To be fair, most of the blame lies with EA on this one.
I’m glad to see this argument is being conducted on a mature adult level.
In all honesty, i barely read Kotaku anymore. I check it everyday and just say to myself “Yup, same old bullshit.” that is until i see “Peter Tieryas” as the author of the piece then i’m like “Hell yeah, finally something good to read!”. So i’ll be on the site most of the weekend trying to read them all.
Would someone just please buy Bizarre Creations’ IPs and make a new BLUR game already.