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Valve is trying to release anything to distract us from the horrible new UI fiasco.
In case you don’t know what people are upset about...

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Valve is trying to release anything to distract us from the horrible new UI fiasco.
In case you don’t know what people are upset about...

Solas always reminded me of Maynard James Keenan from the band Tool.

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All i wanted was a re-mastered Mass Effect trilogy with all the DLC included.

That’s a damn shame to as Kasumi was probably the best thing about ME2.

Ladybug has better animation.

That was a lot of words to say “Player the Witcher 3 now!”

This film would have been praised with any actor they picked just because they didn’t let Jared Leto anywhere near it. Jared’s “joker” was so awful it made me start hating 30 Seconds to Mars, which i actually used to like.


I just bought their (The Game Kitchen, the Blasphemous developers) other series The Last Door season 1 and 2 which uses the font and yes it does help out a lot. I can usual read everything right on the 1st or 2nd pass instead of the usual 4-5 times i would normally have to scan over everything. I’m actually thinking

No Undead Nightmare 2?
.........and i’m uninstalling RDR2

The game looks awesome, like a mix between Castle Crashers and The Witcher 3 but what I don’t get why you would make a game for iPhone only. Android has nearly 75% of the market. Is this like the Epic store vs Steam thing?

As someone who has dyslexia and who is also colorblind....this is how you get my money. I had no interest in this game before i knew about this, now i am probably going to buy it. I’ve probably spent over a $200 on games i have no intention of playing but just to support the developers doing this type of disability

I’m really surprised no one did this one yet but i bet you were all thinking it.

So, they’re spending millions on a multiplayer that no one asked for but the 3rd person camera option thousands have been asking for it gets nothing? Great. CDPR is slowly turning into Bioware, and not the good Bioware, the EA run Bioware.

Johnny Gat’s not looking too good after being in hell for so long.

So, all the games i’ve gotten on Humble Bundle for $12 a month that i get to keep even after i quit the service and all the games i’ve had for years? Yay?