
@Northern Cat: I hope so. I have been dying to immerse myself in this universe for the longest time.

@RoboticSpacePenguin: I now have the biggest feeling that is EXACTLY what will happen. :P

@l30n64: Really? SHIT.

I really, really, REALLY don't want to sound ungrateful, but can PS3 get the first game as well?

@poopship: I'm definitely gonna go one day. Would be awesome to see the soldiers too.

@Kermi: Would be awesome to go commando style and running up to people with the knife drawn like a maniac :P


@Mulder: I think I have it somewhere, but that seems like an awful lot of work so...

@poopship: You have 3? Cool! I have always wanted to go to Nepal as of late - seems like a very interesting place. Kathmandu seems like a good place to go.


It would be awesome if they allowed you to use Skully McLotsagrenades' kukri (his curved knife) as an actual weapon, but I doubt it :((

@Mulder: No problem :P

@wild_world_girl: Well, let me re-phrase. I'm not completely turned off, but the thought of the PSP being associated with this kid doesn't help me rush out to buy one.

@ChackO: He's like this child star from the U.S. that has a foul mouth and acts rude, but some people seem to absolutely love him.