
Or the biggest possible kickback.

I can't believe he didn't send pics of his gf even after THIS one. No honor.

I like Samer weekends. Refreshing change from "I can't stop watching this baseball catch."

Wow... at 0:45 we have a 90's camcorder recording a guy recording the fight vertically on his phone.

That's an R8 with Ferrari 458 brake vents on the front side of the rear fenders.

why is it scary?

You got me. I typed "Another option would have been to type nothing" 7 times today.

"just get the call right"

Classic Kevin.

Another option would have been to type nothing.

His alternative would have been to flee the scene of an accident, one it seems he was at fault for (though how that could be, given that he's in front of her, I don't know)

so in other words, it's art you don't like and/or understand?

Jennifer Connelly. Yes PLEASE. I wish I could have seen her bush under better circumstances, but she was great in RFaD.

Also, it's a TRAVESTY that THIS is how this guy gets introduced to the world. That cycle and getup is so fucking awesome. But I can't get past this dumb idiot's decision to hold his phone the wrong way. God jesus damn it.

Holy fucking shit. That makes me feel like it would be fuckin' AWESOME to live in a world where phones didn't allow you to take vertical videos.

I was about to say. 0:14. Except instead of admissions building, it's a molecule.

So is google videos

she was great when she was a bit younger.

fuck off.

in what scenario would someone watch 4k content on a TV from 1998?