
This seems more like a “RPGs of 2023" list than a “Best RPGs of 2023" list.

Nah, being a scumbag just makes you look like that

I’m surprised they didn’t sponsor Call Of Duty, since they, y’know, sponsored the original war half those games are based on.

It’s even worse than that:

Tim Sweeney allowing propaganda geared towards children!? I would have never expected this from the man who misunderstood 1984 and shoved that in people’s faces while pretending he was some kind of champion of consumer rights. Surely the open “metaverse” will limit this kind of behavior from other companies. 

“Hey kids! You’re absolutely fucked because we just refuse to pivot our business away from fossil fuels. But at least you can floss in Fortnite!” - the soulless cock-gobblers at Shell

Maybe I am just having a bad day, but this just strikes me as sick AF. Fuck Shell, IGN and those streamers and I am glad that people are pushing back.

This entire list was just how to play assassins creed. Everything in this list, you just do normally anyways.  

I know the “wish I knew before playing” thing is a useful phrase for clicks and whatnot, but aren’t these types of things usually reserved for things the game doesn’t tell you or new/different mechanics? Because this entire article is really just a bunch of tips for the rare person who has never played an Assassin’s

“And don’t worry: You can keep playing after you finish the main story

“Don’t you worry Mr. Trump, you’re in good hands! I’ve got an interactive program on here about how to be an Ace Attorney, and it’s never steered me wrong. I tell ya, we’ve got this one in the bag!”

Lower and/or inconsistent frame rates Are. Uncomfortable. To. Look. At. 

Oh good we’re still making this absurd argument. I thought it was finally dead. 

I’m talking about the reaction tests you were talking about. Pay attention. Which, incidentally, is mostly measuring system latency. If you took out peoples setups introducing a metric ton of latency on both sides, actual scientific testing puts roundtrip reaction speed at closer to 150ms, but the reaction to just

Again, you’re taking a very surface level understanding of things and stretching it to the point of being woefully wrong.

That’s roundtrip latency. The thing that is most important in game perception is not light-action-light, its action-light. Your ability to perceive that gap is roughly an order of magnitude higher.

50 hours until it starts to get fun.

50 hours is a long time for any pants party!

I think recouping the investment and fixed costs of the labs forcing them to make a lot of videos is one reason. They also seemed to have upped how aggressively they push their merch, which doesn’t help with the entertainment value of the videos and the likeability of the brand.

But LTT always has had a reputation for

There’s bound to be drama where content creators are involved but the combination of crunch/other anti-labor behavior, glaring conflicts of interest, and data inaccuracy from a $100 million company makes this newsworthy. And even if none of that other stuff had happened there’s still the sexual harassment allegations.

These channels and websites dictate tens of millions and collectively hundreds of millions of dollars of hardware spending a year. So lots of people care. When someone goes out to build a new gaming PC, they look at benchmarks generated by these types of people. It doesnt matter if you are a veteran or a noob, you