
They raised the cost of the game by 16%.

Do you really think that top executives pay, even at Activision or Ubisoft, amounts to more than 16% of total revenue?

And even then, it’s not like an indie developer has anyone that could be considered a “top executive”

They still put out updates on a monthly basis. You might note that you need to pay people to do that.

You’re not understanding the point then.

Not having sales(and having the price at 30 instead 29.99) is just them being upfront about the minimum they’ll take and always taking that minimum. I used to work for a company that did the same thing, no sales ever, which meant that people would never feel like they missed a

$35 for a game like this, that can potentially offer hundreds of hours of playtime, is a fucking bargain.

People get fired every day, people get locked up for their crimes every day, people get sued every day.  Are you such a celebrity whore that you think they deserve a special word for those things?  

This quadruple sucks. Jess is great and brought back some of the analytical energy Austin brought with him during his short tenure and while the spirit was different, the new GB crew was doing cool things. Jason Oestreicher who was a great presence too also got fired, which is triple fucked up because the man is quite

Right?  So many people whine about cancel culture, and yet no one has ever actually been canceled because people can’t be canceled.  They can be fired, they can be imprisoned, they can be taken to court, but they still exist, and all of the “canceled” celebrities are still making more money than the rest of us. 

Speaking of ‘Cancel Culture,’ I wonder how many games have just been canceled by Microsoft’s layoff culture >_>

A statement like that makes me think he’s got a Elon blowup doll somewhere with fuckholes in them. 

Get back to me when fucking Amazon has nuclear weapons and commits genocide against ethnic minorities.

I don’t think you know what suffrage means.

This just isn’t true. Whether a game requires Steam or not is up to the game. There are many games that, after you’ve downloaded them from Steam, you can copy them off and run them anywhere. Here are some examples:

Obligatory “imagining a guy, tricking themselves into believing they exist and then getting mad about it.

It seems weird to go “he joked about someone having sex with their grandson, so it’s natural that he beat his girlfriend.” By that logic, wouldn’t it be more natural for him to have sex with his grandson?

Aw jeez.

You really gave those imaginary people in your head hell today. Go ahead and take the rest of the day off. You must be exhausted. I know I am!

I was going to buy Harry Potter until I read your comment...

what the hell is even this