There’s only one real penalty: Shutdown.
There’s only one real penalty: Shutdown.
The problem is that those panels get covered in dirt because of the Martian winds.
yeah...but i doubt most of the refunds are that.
Yeah. At first glance it seems like yet another way for the games industry to nickel and dime people, but really it just makes things easier and more convenient for both buyer and seller.
Also helps as retailers don’t need to worry about getting it to customers in time for prelaunch beta access vs normal launch, and shipping delays and all other sorts of hiccups, that you don’t want to happen to your VIP customers spending extra money.
This isn’t the first time it’s happened. I think it’s actually kind of smart for the consumer, oddly enough. Now that we have choice between the convenience of digital copies or the tangible value of physical copies, offering a collectors’ edition without the game gives the player choice in how they want the game…
Buying Activision Blizzard is a bad thing?
Yes, it is irrelevant. The industry is not on trial, this one deal is. The FTC just has to decide whether this deal is bad for consumers/competition.
If you’re a fan of one of the most prominent neo-nazis in America, you’re a neo-nazi. Being a kid just means he can be redeemed before those beliefs solidify and he grows up to be a Republican.
Nobody wants to hear you whine about how offended you are by other people being offended. Shut the fuck up.
The Hong Kong protests were and continue to be very popular with right-wing figures and media. Ted Cruz was very vocally a fan of them. Republican senators were praising HK protestors at the same time they were calling for the jackboot to be brought down on BLM protestors. At the very least you should be able to…
He’s very obviously a right-wing troll and honestly it’s stupefying anyone is acting otherwise. Their whole tactic is to look like they don’t believe in anything seriously so when they get on a mic and make a “joke” that came from the bowels of QAnon/Pizzagate brainrot every is too busy discussing “but what do they…
The kids parent are probably trash like him
I find the “Microsoft is just a poor little company. There’s nothing wrong with the merger” talk so, so weird.
This game is easily worth $30, my dude. Play the free on if you want; it’s still there. Easily applied graphics mods can give you and easier way in.
I hate the mentality of people who think that being skeptical makes them seem clever or smart. I’m all for skepticism, but as seen here, more recently, it’s been used to try to and “find the truth” behind the most inane, innocuous things
New pc games regularly have sales on resellers before the game is out. That’s what he is talking about. The base price may go up but they might still have it for discount.
100% its copium from Sonic fans that got a mid game after all these years
Right. So players can vote on blind and long suffering fandom instead of the games that are actually well made or good. It’s just weird to reward a development team and publisher for consistently letting their fan base down.