
Cool story bro, next you’re going to update us on why you removed a, b, or c mod, because jo shmo talked about it in their article without crediting you properly. Seriously I get where you are coming from, but on the regular most modders are more spurious than music companies. 

“What mod authors are being asked to give up is their current right to decide over derivative works—those are works made by other people using the author’s assets (a.k.a. collections or mod packs),”

Hot take: authors who nuke their own stuff at the mere thought of their mod being included in a Collection or modlist need to get over themselves.

This has been happening since mod guides were a thing nearly a decade ago, and NexusMods archiving mods is a reaction to this behavior. I don’t necessarily agree with Nexus’

I dunno if you played online at all, but... it borders on broken. Like Fallout 76 levels of jank. Stuttering elevators, enemies that constantly skip animation frames and/or teleport to you, getting stuck at loading screens despite the game literally being loaded (like my friend is literally fighting the boss and I can

The key is to watch a lot of completely non-related videos and train Youtube not to show you those types of videos at all. I get almost no political/conspiracy channels even on my Youtube home page. But mostly I watch videos of geeks building or testing weird things, cute animal videos, videos of birds and squirrels

Yup. I just re-upped my toothbrush head replacements. 10 pack of Sonicare compatible heads for 15 bucks.

This loop of “women showing up in outwardly male dominated areas and financially succeeding which makes men get super fuckin’ butt-hurt” is just literally never going to end, is it? We’re just destined to do this forever, aren’t we?

When will we, as a society, be brave enough to admit that sliders (excluding white castle) suck?

If the clock in the PS4 is reset, it renders all content unplayable until it reconnects to the internet and synchronizes its time. This was done to prevent people from “cheating” on trophies to manipulate their system time to make it look like they earned them earlier than anybody else.

I have a job writing about food because I do weird shit no one else will and sometimes it works out really well.

Coffee grounds have been tested and found to have an NPK value of 2-0.37-0.64. So they are an organic fertilizer which can be used directly on plants. Use them at a rate of 15 to 20 pounds (dry weight) per 1,000 square feet on the lawn, or 1 heaping handful scattered under each outdoor plant per month. You don’t need

I feel like this lays bare a lot of the foolishness with this whole fiasco on Fisher’s part:

Do your windshield wipers chatter
On the windshield overnight?
If Jalponik says “don’t do it”
do you raise them up in spite?
Do they slam into your windscreen
Leaving cracks both left and right?
Do your windshield wipers chatter
On the windshield overnight?

Well, it is - but maybe in a roundabout enough way so as not to technically be manipulation.

I mean, they “didn’t ruin it” by....just not doing anything with it. The website is still terrible, the player is outdated and the manga side is basically abandoned.

You seem fun

As a completely boring human in real life, let me tell you, it makes me feel very good that people would sooner romance me than someone trying hard to be an interesting character.

A girl with psychic powers
She said ‘T-Bone what’s your sign?’
I glanced and answered ‘Neon’
I thought I blew her mind

With some history of the Disney corporate environment, I don’t think this was about the ticket necessarily, but about Disney’s rigidity. That company is a fucking nightmare to work for (truly evil) and, as mentioned, that was probably the straw that broke the back of a camel that was already getting physical therapy

HR is very competent in this scenario, considering their job is protecting management and management seems to have gotten away with a ton.