I love Clueless Hero; it’s short and sweet, and always makes me smile. Good stuff.
I love Clueless Hero; it’s short and sweet, and always makes me smile. Good stuff.
I like the one with the light novel type name.
Fuck him. Charge the guy with damaging private property but then Smith with felony battery.
Thats part of the joke.
Best part of the Buzzfeed story is she was unwilling to eat the strawberries after the larva came out.
Just so everyone knows, a single packet of yeast can be used indefinitely. Infinitely many loaves! The wonderful thing about yeast is that it’s self replicating.
You sound fun
Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and…
It’s not that you’re too old, you’re just too much of an asshole.
I don’t get this comment. She didn’t even have any cleavage showing in the “OK Boomer” TikTok.
Are you saying that she should be wearing a parka so she doesn’t get some mythical ‘unfair’ advantage because she has breasts?
You might be too old to get streamer culture (I almost certainly am) but let’s not denigrate her…
I’m 37 and absolutely cannot be bothered to give a shit about streamer culture, but I definitely don’t come stamping my feet around about how I don’t get it. Along the same lines, I don’t comment on Blabbermouth about how I don’t get the appeal of Tony Iommi.
OK Boomer
This was actually pretty interesting. I’ve noticed her pop up in a lot of the meme pages and videos I follow but I didn’t know much about her. Cool to know she’s taking her instant fame pretty well.
As others have remarked, the alternative is often to never be published on an accessible platform at all.
That NerfNow is every game of modded Minecraft
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Jcn-txct isn’t wrong. I’ve witnessed a fair number of Republican voters with all sorts of negative nellie stuff to say about recycling, protection of the environment and conservation. Yeah - I was a little surprised to see a Republican reusing a bottle too.
I know the conversation is about what bottles can be recycled to use for water but I was shocked that it was a republican that was recycling. That fact alone should be having Trump tweeting to have Calfee expelled from the party.