
It wasn’t funny.

It was truth. 

What is it about free stuff that makes people so petulant?

Meh. This week’s Clueless strip is in fact true.

Don’t forget to share it! It’s important. 

I sure do have opinions on these free webcomics, mm-hmm.

Maybe the shoutout was still worthy, earned solely on an impression that he left with, after one or more interviews with you. Maybe you’re just a very thorough journalist that doesn’t toss questions easily answered with rehearsed talking points.

I love me some Stephen King, but he’s also a product of growing up in a part of the country (New England) that is super white and that is only not acknowledged as largely suffering from an undercurrent of pretty severe racism because there aren’t that many people around to be openly racist toward. (See, e.g.,

There’s certainly a sliding scale between, say, “this person believed and wrote some very bad things, but also created some very interesting things and therefore it seems worthwhile to have a frank conversation about how the one might inform the other, and whether we can avoid problematic aspects of his interesting

Honestly, I’ve seen that held up as a strawman a lot, but never actually advocated.

I don’t think you get the full picture - this isn’t ‘people were more racist back then’, his wife left him because he was too racist to live with. His contemporaries, even his friends, complained in their letters that he’s a bit much. Imagine how racist you must be to be ‘a bit much’ for 1920?

Ask for a refund.

I thought it was a good comic, but maybe I’m just easily entertained. :)

Not the funniest Life in Aggro comic this week, but I have a feeling they enjoyed drawing those expressions. =P

i wouldn’t say that, in informal conversation, that didn’t seem bad. the joke itsself was pretty weak, but i’m not seeing any glaring grammatical issues. not that that is my specialty, but it doesn’t grate on my ears.

Ugh god... You comic commenters are just the freaken worst. No comments on the subjects, no witty remarks about the comics... It’s just “this one sucks” and “this comic is the best the rest of them suck” and “x is 1st, y is 2nd, z is 3rd”.

That was definitely my first thought as well. 

I find it ironic that the author is “indignant about capitalism.” The start of Jim Crow as a controlling legal doctrine comes from Plessy v Ferguson, which is a case about a man (Homer Plessy) who attempts to buy a ticket and board a train car reserved for whites. Although the case was coordinated by the Comité des

Can’t what he said be read as “I will vote for the piece of art I find to be the best of my choices, regardless of its source”? That doesn’t exclude diversity, but it doesn’t take it into consideration. In the same way that, for example, you’d assume that height would be a normal distribution amongst writers because

A hot centauress, Sexy dutch weirdo, buff gorilla man with a hot voice, and a hamster that definitely fucks. 

Just because you’re a straight dude doesn’t mean these people aren’t hot.