
There is plenty gay porn of these characters dude lol

Only males are allowed to be Not Hot.

Anything can be fetishized, but some things are so common that the fetishization is now what they’re known for.

Someone wants to fuck Roadhog, but no one’s buying a “Sexy Roadhog” outfit from Target unless it’s for a laugh.

I don’t disagree at all, my point is that fetish’ don’t all get created in a bottle/factory for individuals. There are societal as well as developmental milestones that can create or at least lend to the strengthening of them.

Sure there are those that will be attracted to this skin on that level simply because of the

D.Va’s appeal for me has always kind of been that a) she’s a mech pilot (awesome), b) she’s badass, and c) she likes cute things, but she also kind of employs them in an antagonistic way that would probably irk her opponents. Like, “ugh, this MFer just de-meched me and on top of it she’s giving me a peace sign,

I feel like this only pushes his point further.

A few more “hot people”:

With a few exceptions, all of the characters are drawn to be attractive, male and female. Not sure that arguing that that everything can be sexualized is the route to go. Especially considering this feminist group seems pretty vocally feminist and they don’t seem to have an issue with her hot rod or cop uniform, or

Though I do have a crush on Paja-Mei

that schoolgirl outfit panders to fetishization so much it hurts.
the mech, however, is sexy af.

As a player, I’m not comfortable with this costume choice.

My point is that for many, these are directly tied to their cultural experiences. If you made uniforms all Khaki, we’d have more Khaki fetishists in 50 years. Sure, someone is always going to fetishize a short skirt but I don’t think that’s where the bulk of our formative experiences draw the line.

You can’t believe it because you’re privileged enough not to have to deal with the actual issues that the people who are made to wear these sorts of uniforms in real life have to deal with, and you’re also not empathetic enough to understand the perspective of another fellow human being, and how such a thing might

I’m disappointed that the first comment is already dismissive of the entire concept of thinking critically about topics like this. I found the article very informative and enlightening, and I think we should be having conversations like this. Writing it off as “just cosmetics” isn’t helping anything. Caring about

Yeah probably not the best idea to put the only Asian woman in a school girl outfit. This is more lazy than anything else.

They made their decision and it was a bad decision. 

And articles like this help me make an informed decision about which developers I support.

Cue bad-faith overgeneralization, you might mean, because that's what you did.

A store site is not the same as a game developer, you moron.

Epic Game Store as a product/storefront isn’t offering anything that isn’t available to the consumer elsewhere beyond purchasing timed exclusivity.  Platinum Games, however, is the only company that is producing Platinum Games.  Despite people wanting to write-off the legitimate concerns with Epic Game store, they’re