
Biltong, Dutch for “meat strip,” has been eaten in Southern Africa for centuries. The cured snack was originally brought from European settlers and adapted by natives as a hunting snack over the years. Because of the way the meat is cured, it’s illegal to import it into the U.S.”

Yes, I’m familiar with the 18+ option, one wonders how you could assume that I was familiar with LoversLab yet somehow could have missed that on the Nexus. And yes, there are loads of “18+” mods on the Nexus. However I guarantee you there are not loads of “interspecies ass eating animation” type mods on the Nexus. The

The difference is the painter and the composer are, for the most part, making works based entirely on their own effort.

While I understand the point you are attempting to make, you do understand that none of ‘that’ kind of mod is hosted on the Nexus, right? 90% of all of ‘that’ sort of mod is hosted on LoversLab or Patreon.

D) The Castlevania route where they make their own narrative that includes characters from the series but doesn’t exactly follow any specific storyline from it.

Single shot novels rarely spend a lot of time on the side quests that video games use to build the world out. How many video games have you played where the majority of the time you’ve spent in it were for the ‘main quest’ and how many where the vast majority of your time was dedicated to the side quests. Now try to

Nothing about the F2P item drop restrictions prevent you from getting useful items from the drop system. And given item drops are timed to occur every 30-70 minutes of gameplay it doesn’t take very long at all to get enough scrap to create a specific weapon if you have one in mind.

People attempting to claim that only ‘a few thousand of these players were most likely bots’ are both delusional and not attempting to play on Valve servers.

Lost fucked their ending, people lost interest in it and it stopped being a cultural thing almost as soon as the last episode aired.

A number of WOTC’s ‘go-to’ streamers did sponsored streams of the game yesterday at launch and I have to say that it’s rather telling that the ones I watched were struggling to stay and say positive/neutral things about the game.

So for a while I fell down the YouTube hole of folk who do eating challenges, and apparently this sort of behavior isn’t uncommon among restaurants. They don’t see exposure on YouTube as ‘advertisements’ but rather someone making a buck off of them without kicking anything in. On top of that, a lot of them seem to

So the problem isn’t getting access to your account that direction of ‘hacking’ your account. Very few email services use end-to-end encryption for email transmission. If you are lucky they use ‘transport layer’ encryption which is better than nothing but is still vulnerable to someone listening in on any of the

Although this sounds like a slam dunk suggestion,  email accounts are probably the least secure type of online account you have with god knows how many people able to check in and see the mail you are receiving. Having detailed billing statements sent directly to them is just a disaster waiting to happen.

So I’m a bit embarrassed to say this, but I discovered this secret when I decided that to help keep the chance of algae down I’d add a couple of cups of vinegar to my gallon brita pitcher once a month and was too lazy to drain the results.

FYI - for most brands of toothbrush there are ‘generic’ replacement heads that are far far cheaper than the ‘OEM’ replacements. You should be able to find them in most big box department stores or on places like Amazon fairly easily.

Now playing

I really enjoy Glenn and Friends Cooking

So from that can we assume she’s also 100% blind? I mean Ethan was hiding about as well as a 2 year old who still thinks if they can’t see you, you can’t see them and she twice looked almost directly at him, yet somehow didn’t notice him?

As a counterpoint, I’ve had the same account and credit card number with the same bank since I got it in college, so for over three decades now.