As someone who has gotten back into playing modded Elder Scrolls games after a decade or so absence, allow me to point out it’s not that hard to run up an install size if you are making all your textures ‘4k’, compressed or no.
As someone who has gotten back into playing modded Elder Scrolls games after a decade or so absence, allow me to point out it’s not that hard to run up an install size if you are making all your textures ‘4k’, compressed or no.
From one point of view, the people speaking out now are the people from “early Whedon”, i.e. even if he believed what he was saying he obviously wasn’t practicing it that well. On the other hand, I agree that having been told so often that he was a ‘feminist hero’ and a ‘visionary director’ that power got to his head…
Perpetual Entertainment is who you are thinking of. Not Paradox. Paradox has been a publisher for most of it’s existence and while their games may not qualify as AAA, they most definately make it to the finish line and are of sufficent quality that I would have a hard time laying the blame down on them mismanaging.
Before Die Hard, Bruce Willis was essentially a ‘nobody’. His biggest claim to fame was a lead role in a five season long detective themed rom-com. The posters for Die Hard didn’t even have Bruce in them, no one expected him to be able to pull off transitioning to an action star. I know, today it’s hard to imagine…
The additional sad part about that photo, if their Dominos works anything like any of the fast food places I worked at as a youth, they would have been sent home shortly after that picture and told they would only be paid for those four hours of rush time and that since the store was out of ingredients, they shouldn’t…
Good news was that Mark basically tore him a new one in response and made it fairly clear that if Mark had anything to do with it, Greg wouldn’t be voicing Cullen any more -
As someone who in prior financial times would often pay for the next car’s DQ, the point of the act is to give a bit of sunshine to someone random. The idea that I’d be creating an onus on someone else to ‘keep the chain going’ or ‘pay it forward’ themselves would actually have caused me to probably decide not to do…
Animation still requires the same level of exposure, to the animators, as a live action film would to it’s staff.
Not as sad as seeing cars with Trump stickers.
Boris Johnson getting it early on didn’t seem to change much with respect to how Britain dealt with it.
Let’s pretend that Twitch decided to celebrate “American” day and the only two emotes mods they included were the American flag and the head of Fred from Scobby Doo as if the only “Americans” that mattered were blond, blue eyed white males from the USA. That’s the equivalent of deciding that a “Latin American”…
You mean like this?
Not saying it didn’t happen but what most people think is mold in those situations is actually called a “Mother of Vinegar” and is literally what is responsible for creating the vinegar in the first place. Although this is normally filtered from the liquid before being bottled, if unfermented sugar and alcohol, and…
Just because it won’t ‘go bad’ doesn’t mean that there aren’t other processes that can occur while it’s sitting out. After all, it IS relatively high acidity due to the vinegar. Oxidation, ingredients breaking down as a reaction to the UV portion of sunlight, and etc. can all still occur and while they won’t lead to…
Western world? Chief that’s a load of prejudice that you might want to unload there. This is how HR operates globally, because that is what the purpose of HR is, to ‘manage’ the ‘human resources’ of a company to ensure they produce value and don’t harm it. They aren’t social workers and people need to stop mistaking…
_THAT_ particular group of wypipo are going to vote Trump regardless, an because he’s managed to convince them that the ‘dems’ are trying to steal the election with voter fraud, you can already expect them to be riled up enough to be voting enmasse rather than sitting back assuming they’ll win regarless.
And then this happened.
Stupid question but does anyone actually believe this was an ‘accidental’ reveal? I feel like Biden, among other politicians, really loves to pull the ‘opps you managed to seek a peek at my super secret strategy planning guide that just happens to spell out everything I wanted you to know but for reasons didn’t want…