
They're still releasing new games, though.

The Wii has no more graphical oomph than a PS2/Gamecube. Just because it's technically a generation later doesn't make it more difficult to emulate.

...and avoided hours of tedium.

I guess I live in a wifi-less cave then.

The first one was a fun game to play around Halloween. Looking forward to the second one!

I'm liking the way it downplays the Kotaku logo. Makes it less obvious that I'm reading about video games at work, heh.

The game's controls also leave something to be desired, though they're mostly an improvement on The Walking Dead. Interactions for objects in the environment are tied to the controller buttons in a way that, at least with the 360's color-coded buttons, made intuitive sense to me. Press Y to look, press X to talk, and

When I got my first LCD monitor... it was a very noticeable difference. Absolutely no more eye strain while staring at my computer screen.

They need someplace to expand into down the road. I'm sure that eventually the entire continent will be unlocked.

No Tri-4k Monitor setup? I'm not impressed.

Food, water, shelter, clothing, video games... the bare necessities! :D

Thanks to the Black Friday sale, I now have a year and a half left on my subscription. Hopefully they'll repeat that deal yearly.

I haven't used a 2DS, but I'd think so. You can always turn the 3D off if you don't like it, and the increased screen size is really nice. (From videos I've seen comparing the three models, the 2DS's screen is the same size as the original.)

4 days to go and over $100k to go. I'm disappointed, I expected this one to be popular.

I'm bad as well. Though usually I just go out and buy another $10 generic keyboard rather than bother cleaning it.

PSN updates the list of free PS+ games on Tuesday evenings, I forget exactly when.

I don't get the idea of renting out a spare room like that. I have a guest bedroom that stands empty 99% of the time, but I'd rather it be empty than have random people in my house all the time.

The lickness of Chun-Li? Freudian slip much?

wow. Unemployed?

Here's mine: