Mermsie Ruffles

This is so real. I have never attempted Tiktok, but the same venn diagram exists on Instagram, and whenever I find new people that seem neat, I get to leerily play “are they a cool hippie or super religious?” roulette.

If Trump lost in the primaries, I wouldn’t put it past him to run third-party out of spite & split the vote.

Abortion is an economy issue. Knowing that an accidental pregnancy can ruin you is a pretty big economic issue.  It’s also a crime issue.  Knowing that a twelve year old could be forced to give birth, that’s a big safety issue.

Because I had three kids. I worked up until the second they were born.”

I feel like the headline should have read:

Exact same thing here. This country and its healthcare is complete bullshit.

Wow. That’s a horrible. I’m sorry that happened to you. 

And where else should she find relief given that other local hospitals have blacklisted her? Maybe the medical community should do better and they wouldn’t have to be defensive. Plus this is great as this is spreading the word about a shitty doctor. Potentially saving other women from going through this.

This almost 100% goes to the fact that this is a pain related issue and far to many doctors don’t believe women when they say they are in pain. This is like women getting full hysterectomy and getting sent home from the hospital being told to take to ibuprofen for the pain. Can’t prescribe them “dangerous” opioids.

“What the fuck are y’all doing?”

Been there done that.

Last year, late one night I’m hearing a disturbance. Initially it sounded like a couple fighting, so I’m like ‘mind my own business.’

Then, it sounded like it got physical, so I call 911. Now, the nearest precinct station is, driving the speed limit and making the

This is definitely a dress rehearsal. His theatrics are dead serious, too.

Thanks for the write up.

You have very bad, very dumb opinions.

Their only ‘plan’ is to make sure people can’t have abortions. Anything resulting from that = they don’t give a rat’s ass. 

They wouldn’t.  There is no relevant dignity.

The plan is what it’s always been for these people: to care deeply and passionately about that baby until she squeezes it out, then change phone numbers. 

I actually had a police officer pull his gun on me recently when I tried to show him the valid proof of insurance cert on my phone. He told me that they put .22 caliber guns in cell phones nowadays and that he considered it a threat with a deadly weapon. He told me it was a good way to get shot. So yeah, that’s a

Absoluately not! I would 100% root for Power Man and Pizza Poppa pulverizing the pernicious plutocrats! 

Then, while forcing people to give birth is an affront to human rights, the repeated usage of gendered terms in this repeated warcry excludes trans and nonbinary pregnant people who need abortion access and care.”

Provide some receipts for these BS claims you’re making.