Mermsie Ruffles

Even if he’s permanently associated with Parkland, I don’t think it would have been impossible for Hogg to have quietly pursued a venture of his liking. Emma Gonzalez has more followers than him, and we barely know what the heck she’s doing. It’s possible! He decided not to do that though, and well, here’s the fallout.

Oh yes, that one hurt too. I was a huge Vizzini fan and couldn’t believe he’d finally succumbed to depression and all that haunted him for years.

I love anytime I know that TERFs are having a bad day. 

Yep. In brief, the story went something like this:

Man, I get it. Still...

Also why we probably shouldn’t have juries.

This comment is why we shouldn't have the death penalty at all. 

So sorry you had to go through that and kudos for you for fighting for what you knew to be reality. Way to go.

Holy fuck. As an educator, I’ll admit I can totally imagine the annoyance of feeling like a grade-chaser was pestering me over break. I can also imagine completely prostrating myself and bending over backwards once the mistake was realized.* D’s end scholarships. That is unforgivable.


You should’ve run him over in the parking lot.

holy fuck! who would act that way!?”

Waaaay too many comments on here from women that left fields they loved because of sexist assholes. Fucking infuriating. 

What kind of monster just wants to make a 19 year-old cry?


God, thanks for the reminder of why I left academia (was in History). I have so many of the same stories.


Thanks for writing this. Academia is a sewer. I still work in higher ed because of the students, but every other week I seriously consider bailing and finding a place of work whose framework wasn’t literally built to enshrine and sustain abusive behavior.

Here is everything I endured for the privilege of putting the honorific “Dr.” on my credit cards . . . .

Well, Dr. Alford, I’m sorry you experienced this bullshit. I’ve worked in manufacturing for 20 years, with its attendant sexism, but I have never experienced the misery that you put forth in this post.