Mermsie Ruffles

The fucking comments on these posts are just too much man. They’re being commended for providing “A++ content for quarantine!” I just don’t understand.... they have so much money and could easily just stay put.... their privilege is so unbelievable... After all the posts about Corona parties, spring breakers and

The fact that local counsels in towns and cities all along Florida had to step up and say “uh... this is a serious problem and we’re going to take measures to address it.” is extremely telling. The fact that DelRay and Boynton had to close their beaches themselves before the order came down from the governor is speaks 

I get daily updates from a friend’s father (ER doctor) about the state of Fairfield county hospitals. Bottom line, it doesn’t look good here in CT. These people need to start saying stuff that matches up with the reality people are living soon or people are going to realize it’s all a charade. 

If you want my crossbody bag - YOU CAN COME AND TAKE IT. I’VE GOT BOTH HANDS FREE. 

Correction - New York Magazine not the Times. Obviously, an all caps rage post is maybe not the most coherent thing I’ve ever committed to the internet record. You sound really sweet, by the way. 

There’s a great Youtube channel out there called Cosmic Kids Yoga that my sister uses with her daughter all the time. The videos can be LONG (which is great right now) and are essentially narrative driven yoga flows for young kids. My niece is 6 and has been struggling with anxiety and it really seems to help her. I


I hope he inexplicably gets fat. 

If these were good-faith initiatives to actually foster unity and decrease divisiveness among Americans I could understand, but they’re not. They usually accompany calls to limit cities from disseminating information in multiple languages (other than safety and health information). Can you see how this would be

Most of the 30ish (Nebraska made English official in the 20s) “English-Only Movement” bills were passed in the 80's and 90's in red states where anti-immigrant sentiment was able to float the bills through state houses. They exist on the erroneous belief that a single language would unite the country and end division,

Why can’t I escape the Bloomburg ads plastered all over these sites?

Why can’t I escape the Bloomburg ads plastered all over these sites?

Would anyone be interested in fundraising for a series of bill boards that say “Welcome!” in a bunch of different languages and explicitly states “The United States has no official language!”. Just spitballing. I absolutely hate the “THIS IS AMERICA! SPEAK AMERICAN!” tirade as it’s an obvious cover for racists to

A black woman living her life and hoping that other black women can too.

Excellent article and woof, I have so many feelings. I was very much conditioned into expecting my own wedding. I’m from a large family who often marries into large families and over time I have been in over a dozen weddings (in some capacity) and been to many more besides. I grew up loving the pageantry and the crazy

God damn. That’s a horrific way to go. I hope her defense doesn’t file “not guilty” on the idea she isn’t culpable because of alleged abuse. Any other option was a better option than letting a man suffocate to death in a suitcase. 

You do know that almost all the benefits that the average tax payer received (if any) from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will sunset by 2025, right? You’ve been sold a lame horse my friend. Don’t believe for a second that Republicans are working in your best interest. 

Somebody tell Pence the Coronavirus is coming for MOTHER. Then he’ll take it seriously. 

Christ on cracker. The thought that these fuck nuts could be reinstated and/or perform surgery again at all (and so soon) is god damn bone chilling. They should lose their licenses for falsifying records and lying. No patient in their right mind would ever willingly trust these scum bags again.  

Holy hell, that’s brutal man. I wish her the best and I hope airing this out helps her continue to recover. 

His thinking is probably something along the lines of “the gun lobby needs a Thunberg.... Here’s my grandbaby!”