Mermsie Ruffles

My (piece of shit) work truck over heated on me at a feed store 2 years ago. A fleet of farm boys emerged to help poor little me. FIRST THING one of these bros grabs the radiator cap and nearly scalded us all. I ducked, but it was a very similar experience to the video. Fun times. 

I’m seriously stunned by this case. Shocked, but not surprised because we’ve heard about so many other high profile IVF fuck ups. I am also just so stunned/confused about the fallout from this. Was the couple that carried the pregnancy legally obligated to give up the children to their biological parents? Did they do


Yet again the “great potential” of a teenage boy eclipses the personhood, dignity and wellbeing of a teenage girl. Anyone who comes close to a sexual assault case involving a minor should be prepped with a primer on how to fucking conduct themselves. Judges should have to take a GODDAMNED COURSE. 

This woman is a megalomaniac! Some sources are portraying her as a simple person who blundered into running an international charity by the power of her white privilege and good intentions, but I think it’s much more insidious than that. I think she might be GD serial killer. She targeted the most vulnerable victims

I wish the police would refer to the cause of the first shooting as “over a rejection” rather than “over a female”. I understand that the police are trying to be clear and concise in their description, but the language lays partial blame at the feet of the victim rather than solely on the violent, delusional psyche

Can’t it be both? If you enjoy cooking buy garlic & garlic powder! Fresh for anything that calls for sautéed garlic (or for roasted garlic, the food of the gods). Powdered for home made rubs and spice packets. Do yourself the favor of making your own BBQ rub and taco mix, you deserve it. 

I think Keanu Reeves is getting the Bill Murray treatment. He just keeps popping up places and being a generally chill dude. It’s refreshing and fun to see stories like “Generally Chill Dude Keanu Reeves goes on impromptu road trip with fans”. I have never had a personal interaction with him so I don’t really know,

This is a very sheltered understanding of both childhood and morality. Also “nice-ness” is lie. Kindness is what we should strive for. It is not nice to euthanize a litter of kittens that are so deformed they cannot survive, but it is a kindness. It may not be nice to kill a goat. But care can be taken in how the goat

I’ve worked for many years with livestock, in butcher shops and on small farms where we slaughtered our own animals. I also live in CT where a lot of the more suburban areas are not used to the farming scene anymore. The way I usually try and explain it to people is that death is an unavoidable part of life, animals

Comparing animal intelligence as relative to us is a really easy way to justify factory farming and ultimately falls apart as a justifier for killing an animal. It’s an easy leap for people to think an animal with lower intelligence suffers less because they have less understanding of its own suffering. But every

I’d go the trusted hit in the head with a hammer, hoist up a tree and cut the jugular. Stabbing a knife through the chest plate of a full grown pig AND hitting the heart is very very difficult if you’re also trying to reduce stress and improve quality of product.  I hope you’ve been stunning your pigs. 

It would also be a great teachable moment about how vaccines work and why it’s important to get them. I think it would also be a great moment to nip fears about doctors or needles in the bud by properly handling kids that are struggling with receiving childhood vaccines.

I think all discussions of abortion bans/regulations should begin with an obligatory “definitions section” which includes the definition of important pregnancy related words such as “episiotomy”, “post partum depression” and “maternity leave” along with practical uses in context.

You’re right. That’s essentially what it boils down to because whether you’re paying a rigger $5000 or $30 they should know what is safe vs. not safe. Unfortunately, for $30 that rigger is not the properly motivated person to tell Vince McMahon to shove it when he suggests a good way to kill someone.

Republicans do not believe women are capable adults that can and need to make their own decisions about health care. The language here clearly makes a rape victim someone an abortion happens too (simply because she doesn’t know better) rather than someone who seeks an abortion out as part of recovery from a rape. The

Because money and also CT is fucking fucked? This is just my personal experience. 

Don’t know why I have gotten sucked into this storyline, but here I am. I honestly don’t know who any of these people are. My only two cents on this whole thing (besides the insanity of a grown ass adult picking on a teenager about VITAMINS) is blowing up the idea that a feminine gay man will steal your man is soooo

Ahhh yes. The good ‘ol “we know best what is best for you, because that is our opinion” argument. The idea that some women have been duped into the wrong sort of life and that they must be saved from/ their way of life destroyed. i.e. religious women, sex workers etc. I need to do some further reading, but I could

I could barely read this over my own internal screaming. Does WoLF not see the snide smirking of the Tucker Carlson’s of the world as they do their hateful work for them? They are being played.