Mermsie Ruffles

So can we take a page out of the Anti-choice playbook and protest outside these clinics like vicious fucking assholes?  

My cats are “Brendan Spagooter” and “Beanboy”. They go by Spagoo and Bean Machine, respectively. 

What the fuck is wrong with Sarah Fabian? Dog sitting? Fucking really? 

I feel like I can hear the whole rest of the collective internet groaning with me after reading this. At the end of the day I sympathize with the instructors, but you simply have to be careful with contract law. If you sign a contract establishing a relationship with another entity be aware of what rights you may be

To my shame, I played Fable 3 all the way through twice. I tried to find the good game I thought was locked inside, but it wasn’t there.

I will shout it from the roof tops: I LOVE MY IUD. After struggling for a year and half with several different pills, rude doctors, a very stupid pharmacy and my own inability to get on a routine, I finally found a great doctor who said "lets do this!". My insurance covered everything except a follow up ultrasound and

I had the same roommate for three years in college and she BELIEVES, ghost experiences, burning sage, the whole bag. She would say that spirits were attracted to her, and that they would often interact with the people around her too. I am a very skeptical but gullible person and after living with her for long enough I