
when I first read it, I thought it said “taking a shit on the playground” and was both repulsed and confused.

To me, their opinion is valuable precisely becaue they dont have any credentials attached.Wow. You actually think people (any people) who are completely uninformed and uneducated about international relations are qualified to give their opinions about Russia. Wow. Next time you or a family member needs an X-ray or

“their opinion is valuable precisely because they don’t have any credentials attached”

that “not all indian people sound the same” one assumes.

Wisconsin still sucks.

It was pretty clear Kara was referencing throwing shade, not behaving nicely.

Eating American tax dollars on gold plates.

Delete your account.


Correction: fat Chris Pratt is hot. This Chris Pratt does nothing for me.

I know what I’ll be doing.

Thanks, this isn’t hard. And it’s not about about protecting Kellyanne. It’s about signaling to other women how you feel about them. If a man who calls himself an ally says she spends a lot of time on her knees, I will wonder how much of an ally he really is. Does he think this way about women on the left? Are all

Oh, come on, isn’t this just a little bit rich? Conway is a fucking snake, but that doesn’t mean that none of the criticism against her is sexist. And for the sake of maintaining our own integrity, I think we need to err on the side of not even mentioning Conway’s looks. (And maintaining our integrity is important.

I kind of am disturbed though by anyone setting standards of behaviour they don’t abide by. Quite frankly its one of the worse things that Trump does. People were calling Kellyanne Conway a slut and all this crap because she dated an old dude in her thirties. That really isn’t a policy issue to be concerned about and

You’re not helping.

Truthfully, every time there is a story on her here, I steel myself against a comment section that is guaranteed to be filled with how she is ugly, thin of hair and body, old, haggard...

If Casey Affleck can’t feel safe reading college newspapers, where can he feel safe?

people are the worst, hippos are the best

It’s a soap opera.

It’s about everything.