
You know what I don't care about? Fashion. So I don't read the articles about fashion.

The last time I went to a normal concert I complained for the entirety of the drive home that the lemonade was too expensive. :-/

I do not want to go to there.

It wasn't rape, except when it was. Like when he raped her while she as sleeping.

As much as we shouldn't pretend $350 is normal for most people, we also shouldn't pretend Michelle Obama is most people. In my opinion, $350 isn't so lavish that it seems tacky. $1,990 might be.

I would love a president who didn't center their platform on a professed "love" of the nation, and who didn't talk about an the US as a shining beacon of Godly freedom. I would love a president who was "more about a global, um."

It might have been a good idea not to include this video, which is very sweet. I'm all, "some Russian dude did what now? Awww, those people love each other and so many people in their lives support them," while wiping away joyful tears.

If I am reading this right it is especially amazing because he had "a thing" for air. Space. The absence of your body.

Among my favorite Weekend Update bits - "It was reported that House Majority Leader Tom DeLay took several ethically questionable golf trips paid for by foreign lobbyists and that his wife and daughter were paid $500,000 from his own political action committee. DeLay referred to the allegations as 'just another seedy

I once took care of a baby that had an extra pinky toe on one foot. The terrible thing (for me) was that it had bones in it but it wasn't connected to the foot with a bone, just a flap of skin. I mean, you could have cut the thing off with a toenail clippers. But the parents chose to leave it be for some reason and

I was a bad and vomit-y baby too. A treasured family story includes that my mom once had to convince my dad I wasn't possessed.

The link posted doesn't sell it above a 38C. Even in a larger cup, I'd be surprised to find they carry a 44 band.

I know it isn't really the point, but can we not chart small numbers? I'm not, like, a mathematician or anything, but it seems like that is possible.

I have been accused of being a slacker, and it was frustrating. It is necessary to know that I wasn't on a team - nobody would have had to pick up the slack if my work wasn't getting done. And at that time and place in my life, for all kinds of reasons, I made odd choices about how and when to do my work. I have to

I went to school in Minnesota, too. But nobody ever told me how much the energy costs were, because why would they?

"one aunt who dances by slowly hiking up her skirt" I love her.