
I don't follow your comment. I certainly didn't imply anything about Muslims being all the same. That's obvious to anyone reading it though. Can you explain your point? Mine was that gg is very new and has no lineage, nor was any thinking person born into the group , therefore it is absurd to compare one's

So the Muslim identity is only 7-8 weeks old? It seems so much older and more well-established.

You meant there isn't any hatred of humanity... In their eyes, right? Because, being a strong feminist, you consider women equal humans, right?

Well, when you have, let's just say, a 20:1 ratio of male to female protagonists, you give the male side 20x the chance to do a good job with the character development. Also, there are well-written, strong females in games. It's just that there are so few female PCs in general, there seems to be less good ones.

It's not his limitation. It's societies limitations that he's challenging. That's what you're ignoring.

Everything should be an option? How about leaving out options for oneself? Is that an option?

Says who? With what authority do you speak? I studied storytelling, and I've never heard the rule that one is best suited to take their own sensibilities out of the creative endeavors. In fact, that sounds insane to me to even type out. Sensibilities are limitations? What are you talking about?

He's not painting and entire world. He's painting one set of circumstances in one particular, fictional, world. It is not the burden of every creator to consider their world as an exact mirror of the real world. In fact, that mentality would often be a huge disadvantage. Women are shown, disproportionately to reality,

In this case, you should stop being friends with the misogynist, rape/murder-threatener supporting group. That's the solution. And then just be friends with the others.

I read the first 5 of the harassment link and either you posted the wrong link, or you don't understand what harassment is (the people posting certainly don't).

It's actually laugh out loud funny that a thread "gamergateharassment" is GGs BEING harassed.

The first post in the doxxing link is a person on twitter saying

Sure, I couldn't agree more. Now, what if one games the system by spamming the companies with hundreds or thousands of emails from dummy accounts in order to make the problem seem massively disproportionate to the reality?

Can't you just... use a different website?

Why should everything be considered an option? Why do you not allow for individual creators' sensibilities, interests, and fortes?

Because it's harmful to women in society when those images are so constantly broadcast every place you look. It is useful, if a creator so chooses, for these types of tropes to be subverted or ignored entirely. You don't have to believe that, but that's probably why he's doing it, and I agree with him.

So you think the elite police unit should have all assumed zombies and hid?

Dude, come on. Are you trolling? Not every writer writes every type of character. There are dick-bag MRAs in the world, that's a massive character flaw, but RE doesn't have any of them in it.

Find your favorite writer in any medium, read/watch/play all their stuff, and see if every character flaw known to man is

I would say that there are probably 10 to 20 archetypal "strong male" characters, with little to no personality beyond being "tough" or "cool", for every one female character that you describe. Is that something you're sick of as well?

Second question, do you feel that the female characters in RE are character-flawless

I would guess, and I think you've already come to this conclusion as well, that he doesn't like having female characters that are submissive to male characters because it is a common trope that he probably feels he sees very often. And maybe he sees it in a volume that doesn't accurately represent the women he's known

Just a couple of quick points. He didn't say his female characters cannot or should not have flaws. He said he doesn't like female characters that are submissive to male characters. He, also, didn't say whether or not his male characters are more likely to be submissive or dependent characters.

Is it not an entitlement for white, straight, males to be given such vast and broad representation in games and other media while no other group enjoys such privilege?

I'm a gamer. There is no hate that I feel on me. Maybe you made that up.