
Pearl has been an absolute pest in her live performances - I was a big fan of Pearl until I saw her - from stage - grab a girl’s cocktail out of her hand and spit it in her face. I immediately lost respect for her, so I find it *very rich* that she would have a deficit of respect for Mama Ru.

Best sign I saw

I’d do the same to him but it’d be out of mein kampfort zone

Bay leaves taste like cinnamon and grow fresh here in the Bay Area

Peace keepers are soldiers from various armies. Armies are hypermasculinized, very much conditioned to pursue violence. Simply being called “peace keepers” does not command any more mora expectations than from any other soldier. I think the question should be, are peace keepers really the best response to building

Is there some sort of master list? My personal favorite is “rotting Halloween pumpkin and presidential candidate Donald Trump”

Taric from League of Legends is gay and truly outrageous!

I've been to several countries where toilet paper isn't flushed, but thrown out. Baby wipes are key.

I've been to several countries where toilet paper isn't flushed, but thrown out. Baby wipes are key.

Are gay men in drag the same as white people in black face? Talk amongst yourselves....